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sword email, Sally Ann Weeks Benson Papers, Women Veterans Historical Project

Description of Item Group sword email

I told you that my husband & I both gave our Navy swords to Barb to be given away at a USNA Out function before the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Barb may remember when that was done & details if you want them. Attached is a copy of the facebook correspondence between me & Fabian Ortiz, the young man who rec’d my sword. I have his permission to use his name & the msg in its entirety. FYI, he will be attending med school on a Navy scholarship! The “jeff” mentioned in the msg is Jeff Petrie, a USNA grad who was president of USNA Out when I met Barb. - Sally Benson 6 April 2015

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1 records from the group The Betty H. Carter Women Veterans Historical Project. Displaying records 1 - 1.

sword.docx, Women Veterans Historical Project, Sally Ann Weeks Benson Papers

I told you that my husband & I both gave our Navy swords to Barb to be given away at a USNA Out function before the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Barb may remember when that was done & details if you want them. Attached is a copy of the facebook correspondence between me & Fabian Ortiz, the young man who rec’d my sword. I have his permission to use his name & the msg in its entirety. FYI, he will be attending med school on a Navy scholarship! The “jeff” mentioned in the msg is Jeff Petrie, a USNA grad who was president of USNA Out when I met Barb. - Sally Benson 6 April 2015